As more and more millennials enter the workforce, there are challenges on both sides. Employers have concerns as they bring this age group into jobs. Similarly, millennials themselves may have apprehensions about taking certain jobs.

A Lot of Turnover

Employers are seeing that the millennial age group tends to jump around from job to job. On average, a millennial will leave for another position within three years. Some are gone within a year. This is discouraging news when it comes to working on millennial hires as a staffing agency and as an employer. Companies are constantly having to hire and train new workers.

Lack of Preparedness

Business leaders are often seeing younger workers coming into a new position ill-prepared for the job. Part of this could be due to a lack of sufficient training and skill-learning in college. At the same time, up to 60% of millennial hires do not feel ready for a role they are hired for.

Poor Culture

Millennials gravitate less toward jobs with robust retirement benefits and more toward places that encourage a collaborative environment. Millennials want flexibility and innovation. Many companies do not offer this or struggle in this area.

If you work on millennial hires as a staffing agency, be aware of these issues. You and those you hire can enjoy greater success.