Ships have been used to transport goods for centuries. As technology advances, new risks and security needs arise. Increasing dependence on information technology creates many potential cyber risks for cargo shipping companies to address.

What Is Cyber Security?

Information technology systems are vulnerable to unauthorized access and planned attacks. There are many reasons someone may target a technology system, including to gain information, disrupt operations or take control of assets. The protection of technology systems is known as cyber security.

What Are Cyber Risks in Cargo Shipping?

Cyber risks may come from outside the vessel, or they may originate on board the vessel. One common objective of hackers is to divert the ship’s course. They may do this in a variety of ways, including altering ship data, falsifying weather reports, or sending false alerts.

Not all cyber threats are malicious; some result from human error. Proper risk management includes limiting opportunities for human error to affect the ship’s information technology.

How Do Companies Manage Cyber Risks?

Cyber risk management involves many facets, including:

  • Keeping software up-to-date
  • Restricting physical access to equipment
  • Frequent scans and firewalls to detect and block threats
  • Establishing security protocols and having a contingency plan in the event of a breach

All personnel who work on a ship must be trained in security protocols.

Cyber security is one of the greatest risks in the cargo shipping industry. It is essential that companies have procedures in place to prevent, detect and respond to security breaches.